行動経済学会 第16回大会 英語セッション 発表論文募集
この英語セッションでは,他の一般報告セッションのようにそれぞれの発表論文に対して討論者はつきませんが,亀井憲樹 慶應義塾大学教授,花木伸行 大阪大学教授(Associate editor of International Economic Review, Editorial board member of Experimental Economics)に加えて,学会が対面で実施される場合は,Marie-Claire Villeval フランス国立科学研究所 研究教授 (Advisory editor of Experimental Economics, Honorary editor of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Department Editor of Management Science (Behavioral Economics and Decision) )といった世界的に活躍される研究者が参加され,発表へのコメントをくださる予定になっています.
この英語セッションでの発表を希望される方は,発表希望論文のPDFファイルを,企画チームまで,メールの件名を「2022行動経済学会 英語セッション発表希望論文」として,メールに添付して送付ください.
- 提出先:
- englishsessionabef2022[at]gmail.com
※上記 Emailアドレスの[at]を半角@に直して送信してください.
行動経済学会 第16回大会 英語セッション 企画チーム
Call for paper:
Paper to be presented at English Session of the 16th Annual meeting of Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
There will be an English parallel session at the 16th Annual meeting of Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance, that will be held at Surugadai Campus of Meiji University on 17-18, December, 2022. This session will take place in the morning of December 18th.
Unlike other parallel sessions at the meeting, there will be no discussant assigned to each paper presented at this English session. Instead, there will be such distinguished scholars as Professor Kenju Kamei (Keio University), Professor Nobuyuki Hanaki (Osaka University, Associate Editor of International Economic Review, Editorial board member of Experimental Economics), and in case the meeting will be held in person, Professor Marie-Claire Villeval (CNRS, France, Advisory editor of Experimental Economics, Honorary editor of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Department Editor of Management Science (Behavioral Economics and Decision) )who have kindly agreed to participate to the session to give comments.
If you wish to present your paper at this English session, please send a PDF copy of the paper as an e-mail attachment to the organizing team(englishsessionabef2022[at]gmail.com)(change [at] to @) before 30 Sep. Please put “Paper to be presented at 2022 ABEF English session” in the subject line.
The paper will be reviewed by the organizers of the session, and the decision will be communicated to you before 24 Oct.
Looking forward to receiving your papers!
Organizers. The English parallel session at 2022 ABEF meeting.